Concise Minutes - Children, Young People and Education Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 1 - Senedd

Meeting date: Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Meeting time: 09.21 - 12.28
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:





Assembly Members:

Lynne Neagle AM (Chair)

Hefin David AM

John Griffiths AM

Llyr Gruffydd AM

Darren Millar AM

Julie Morgan AM

Mark Reckless AM


Philip Blaker, Qualifications Wales

Ann Evans, Qualifications Wales

Kirsty Williams AM, Cabinet Secretary for Education

Professor Graham Donaldson

Steve Davies, Welsh Government

Claire Rowlands, Welsh Government

Committee Staff:

Llinos Madeley (Clerk)

Gareth Rogers (Second Clerk)

Sarah Bartlett (Deputy Clerk)

Joe Champion (Researcher)

Michael Dauncey (Researcher)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

1.1     The Chair welcomed Members, there were no apologies.




2       Scrutiny of the Qualifications Wales Annual Report 2016-17

2.1     The Committee scrutinised Qualifications Wales on their Annual Report.




3       Scrutiny session on the development of the new curriculum

3.1     The Committee scrutinised the Cabinet Secretary and Professor Donaldson on the development of the new curriculum.


3.2     The Cabinet Secretary agreed to provide a note on the check point dates for the implementation of the new curriculum.




4       Paper(s) to note

4.1     The papers were noted.

·         Letter and briefing note from the Welsh Language Commissioner regarding Welsh medium childcare and early year's education provision

·         Letter from the Chair to the Cabinet Secretary for Education regarding the Welsh Baccalaureate




5       Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the remainder of the meeting

5.1     The Motion was agreed.




6       Scrutiny session on the development of the new curriculum - Consideration of the evidence

6.1 The Committee considered the evidence.



7       Inquiry into Teachers' Professional Learning and Education - consideration of the draft report

7.1 The Committee considered and agreed the draft report.



8       Inquiry into Perinatal Mental Health - consideration of the response from the Welsh Government

8.1 The Committee agreed to request a plenary debate and schedule follow up scrutiny one year on in November 2018.
